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The 'morality clause' a real life nightmare

Agendas, agendas . . . They’re everywhere. A recent development in the PC wars is a  real-life nightmare clouding notions of freedom of speech and independence of thought and the creative act is the so-called “Morality Clause” that is now finding its way into publishing. 

So you must not only tick all the boxes for the minorities, you have to behave yourself at the same time. The clause, generated in the United States and with wording that cautions writers on “past and future conduct” else their contract will be cancelled, is increasingly in use in the UK – 

Now you don't need a university degree to work there, what is required is that your must prove to your employer that will uphold  their mission statement to “reflect UK Society by 2025”

Publishers now require  authors who toe lines . . . It all smacks of something that has little to do with publishing and everything to do with politics. Special clauses, special pleading, controlled thinking – that’s not what books and imagnation and ideas are about. 
What would the great Scottish publisher John Murray have said to Byron when the poet delivered his manuscripts and folios? Sorry, mate. You’re too white, too posh and too naughty. He knew, as we do, that it’s the writing, not the writer, that counts.

There is madness abroad in the air, and it operates under cover of a moral bannerits champions are in the main 'educated/ atheists although their 'moral' movementis quasi religious, for 'morality' is subtext goodness, and that is by not being bad has a metaphysical quotient thereby beyond reason,

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