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The fall of postmodernism became a pejorative for adhering to epistemological and moral nihilism

Julia Kristeva, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and so on were the elite of pustmodernism

These critics argued that postmodernists believed that were no such things as “facts”, only modes of discourse that forever block us from making truth claims about reality,

 and the term “postmodern” became a pejorative term to deride these thinkers as adhering to epistemological and moral nihilism

The result of this was the postmodern loss of 'metanarratives'

Hence both progressive and conservative political views are found flailing in diagnosing the problems of the political, especially when facing the devaluation of all values in consumer culture

 (“Resisting a Discourse of Mastery” was for Lyotard, the emphasis on the written text in structuralism continues the Western tradition’s emphasis on the intellectual over the sensual. The figural is the disruptive force that is irreducible to any systemic or linguistic approach to language. For this reason, Lyotard valorizes the eye and its modes of seeing figures—shadings of meanings—that cannot be reduced to a single meaning or representation

Visual milieu would be chaotic without being ordered or structured discursively such that one can perceptually make one’s way about the world

Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s (1930–1992) Anti-Oedipus had come out in 1972, arguing against Freudian accounts of repression while offering an immanentist ontology 
Plane of immanence (French: plan d'immanence) is a founding concept in the metaphysics or ontology of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Immanence, meaning "existing or remaining within" whereby all events had to be accounted for without reference to an outside or be confused with the representations made of

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