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The anti-Brexit argument

Supposedly hard-headed, commonsense ideologues of Brexit turn out to be pushing a pagan religion of British ancestor worship, (the Gloabalist sfor their part, most of then
atheist push and equally 'pagan' philosophy that the world is one, so no borders.

a mythology of British exceptionalism projected onto a future that is built on faith alone. (Take the Liberal champions of the corrupt EU which has decimated the work chances for youth across Europe amongst their other self pocket lining sins.)

For ever argument the left makes there is an equally valid argument against
witness the current voting patterns in Austria, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Brazil, UK  and so on rejecting the leftist mantra.

A lot of Brexiteer people bought into it, and that shouldn’t be surprising: such metaphysical ideas as patriotism,
self-identification with the heroism of ancestors in wars you didn’t fight in,
 the oneness of land and people,
the holiness of flags and symbols and colours,
 the special sanctity of certain tombs and landmarks, the rites of pilgrimage to sites hallowed by the past presence of mythologised characters in a national story,
the sense of belonging in a landscape and the fear of defilement by non-belongers are present in some measure in most voters.
Equally the ideologues on the left advocate a romantic idealism a quasi religious we are all one
Calling it ‘culture’ doesn’t quite capture the fact that even the least religious among us is likely to have neo-religious feelings, and that even the most Christian or Islamic or Jewish is likely also to have a stake in such pagan notions as patriotism.
On the left there is a quasi religious romantic yearning for the Beyond, yet we must not scold the activists whose romantic yearnings may be liberals’ only resource for connecting with those they have alienated. In the end, to get a touch teleological, 
voters’ beliefs and the voters’ passions must be taken into account, not just their ability to receive 'rational' arguments.

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