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There are 2 things I dislike about Liberism- its face

Ambiguity is a bad start for an ideology – ‘meta’ or otherwise – which aspires to political impact. Or so it might seem. Ambiguity is a bad start for an ideology – ‘meta’ or otherwise – which aspires to political impact. Nevertheless, it is, like chameleonism, a useful survival strategy. 

’ But perfidy, being 2 faced (witness the Kavanaugh Inquisition)  depreciates as a political asset when it becomes a known trait. Liberalism’s bad odour on Kavanaugh comes by not being about anything apart from destruction, ie destroying someone's reputation/life for power. 

As to principles/morals/ethics so often claimed badge on honour by Liberals to me wishy washy
Liberal types are a bit like that of a detox patient hooked on methadone. He can’t quite get off it, but at the same time hard-core addicts (Trump) sees liberalism as a poor substitute for the real thing. 

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