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The media and their vituperative screeds against the 'Neanderthals' among us

 What is deplorable about the media is their annoyingly self-satisfied and patronizing over simplifications. What grates is this kind of broad-brush spleen venting by the Left against the 99% of Trumpists who are stupid, etc., by enfranchised intellectuals with their own access to media and their vituperative screeds against the Neanderthals among us is part of the divide that keeps Trumpists in their own camp and causes then to gather in adoring throngs at Trump rallies.

So to the elitist/fake news media, the readers are just like you, so say something new, not self-congratulations on how you aren’t one of those  unwashed deplorables

Most downtrodden whites are not conservative male Protestants from Appalachia. That sometimes seems the only concept of them that the American media consciousness can contain: as if they are all tucked away in a remote mountain shanty like a coal-dust-covered ghost, it is as though white poverty isn’t always right in front of us, swiping their  credit cards at a Target in Denver or asking for cash on a Los Angeles sidewalk.  Privileged media/talkers, wake up!

In lieu of such coverage, media makers cast the white working class as a monolith and imply an old, treacherous story convenient to capitalism: that the poor are dangerous idiots.

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