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Gang rape, pitiful juvenilia masquerading as erudite intervention

It’s awful being a man in today’s world. It means being bombarded with androcidal  (Androcide refers to the systematic killing of men) aggression from women who love to hate us .

However there is little doubt that the continuing potency of masculine ideology is augmented by the submerged nature of its very status as an ideology.

However Gang rape headlines,  is a pitiful piece of juvenilia,  masquerading as an erudite intervention, such introductions to the news cycle, by the Media who are the real terrorists,  are most successful when grossly obscene.

No doubt this sensationalising pattern will continue unabated for it would seem ‘Male-dominant gender hierarchy, especially if you are a white male,  seems immune to reform by reasoned or visionary argument. 

A currnt cultural mene is  that the only way for women to keep their freedom is to keep free of men was the creed of nuns throughout the Middle Ages.

However in a former existence (the 60s) Women thinkers such as Germaine Greer et al themselves were  traitors or collaborators if women did not think that ‘sexual liberation’ was the royal road to the liberation of women. How times change.  Well, people like to talk and offer their opinions.

Inviasion of women is a biologistic view. Taken  to its logical extreme, it would make dentistry the natural target of professives next diatribe.) Surely more must be said about the relations between the physical and the psychological. 

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