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Democrats not paragons of virtue and 'deplorables' not a moral scourge

Racism and nationalism that surely exist also exist among Democrats and higher socioeconomic strata. 

A poll conducted last spring by Reuters found that a third of questioned Democrats supported a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

 In another, by YouGov, 45% of polled Democrats reported holding an unfavorable view of Islam, with almost no fluctuation based on household income. 

Those who won’t vote for Trump are not necessarily paragons of virtue, while the rest are easily scapegoated as the country’s moral scourge.

Those elitists who oppose Trump,  have a way of taking a systemic view when examining social woes, none the less view their place on the political continuum as a triumph of individual character. But there is nothing 'idividual' about being schooled to be a Democrat for if  you were handed liberalism, by parenting and schooling give yourself no pats on your 'individual' back for your vote against Trump.

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