Tired of interiority’. Inner life (la vie intérieure), argued bu Guattari in
one of his first published essays, was a bourgeois delusion: not for nothing
did it sound like ‘domestic life’ (la
vie d’intérieur) psychoanalysis had become (in Guattari’s words) a
‘capitalist drug’.
Freud’s big mistake, Guattari and Deleue agreed, was to see desire
as something rooted in lack, as an attempt to fantasise a missing object (the
mother’s breast, for example). As a result, Freud had imagined the unconscious
as a theatre of representations, in which the same grimly repetitive Oedipal
drama was performed night after night. In Deleuze and Guattari’s view, the
unconscious was better understood in political terms as a productive and
potentially transformative force – a force that could change the world.
The unconscious, as they saw
it, was a deliriously innovative ‘factory’, ceaselessly producing new and
transgressive combinations of desires. In the book that eventually came out of
this meeting, Anti-Oedipus, they would portray
desire as a relentless and impersonal flow, an electric current moving through
the social body and interrupted only by ‘desiring machines’ that sought to
direct and channel it.
A desiring machine could be anything from a breast (‘a
machine that produces milk’) to a revolutionary political movement, and its aim
was always the same: to connect with other machines (the infant’s mouth, the
masses), and produce a shift in reality. Desire had virtually no limits: like
power in Foucault, it was everywhere, and it passed through everyone without
belonging to anyone.
As Foucault noted in his
introduction to the American edition of Anti-Oedipus, their true adversary
was not so much capitalism as ‘the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our
everyday behaviour, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the
very thing that dominates and exploits us.
Deleue and Guattari advocated an open interior - a state of constant flux and transformation, in the way that aspirin in water is everywhere.’ without origin or destination; they
contrasted it with the root-obsessed ‘arborescent’ or tree model. (‘We’re tired
of trees,’ they wrote. ‘They’ve made us suffer too much.’
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