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Do you suffer from partial avoidance?

Are You Constantly Thinking and Daydreaming?

Yes, I am.  
When I do correct this tendency it is a joy to marvel at the real world and the wonder of our just being here. So much to see in the real world as  opposed to the inner world (for me) of anxiety, fantasy, worry, stress.Apparently constantly living in one's head can be a way of avoidance.  
So why is it people  daydream so much? 

Sean Cooper has some thoughts on  this:
My guess is that it’s a form of partial avoidance. To understand what partial avoidance is, you first have to know what avoidance is.
Avoidance is when someone who has social anxiety avoids the situations that make them feel anxious. They may avoid doing speeches in school. They may see someone they know walking towards them down the street and quickly try to find ways to avoid them. They may even get to the point of staying inside their house all day. These are all examples of avoidance. You avoid the people, places, and situations that make you feel anxious.
So now what does partial avoidance mean? Partial avoidance is a little more subtle than regular avoidance.
Partial avoidance means that you avoid situations mentally instead of physically. Instead of avoiding the situation by not going into it physically, you avoid it with your mind. You are distancing yourself from the anxiety-provoking situation you are in through using distractions, daydreaming, and so on. Partial avoidance is usually mental avoidance of the thing you fear. In the case of social anxiety, that probably means being around people.
Basically, if you feel anxious just being around people, then your mind may start to daydream and get lost in thought so you don’t have to “face” the situation fully. It’s a way of lessening the unpleasant feeling of anxiety.

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