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Love is not a single enduring state..

Love is not like a response to a stimulus. It is not even a single enduring state, like being cold. 

It encompasses many things, including: not feeling in love at that moment; longing, indifference, delight; wanting to be kind, wanting to impress; worrying over the logistics of meetings; lust, awe, surprise, jealousy, anger; imagining conversations, events; imagining what the loved one is doing when one is not there; and so on.

 (The most sophisticated neural imaging, by the way, cannot distinguish between physical pain and the pain of social rejection: 

they seem to “light up” the same areas.) 


Peter Cheevers' short stories are published by Ether Books  



Not Even A Recall – Where’s That Revolver?

Violence in Chichester? No, Never

I Never Saw A Woman Look So Wistfully

A Night On The Moon

All Flesh Is Grass

No Atheists In Foxholes

The Rats' Somme

published by Ether Books, download  on Kindle 

Peter P. Cheevers' PhD available 


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