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Lifting that barbell called an 'I'

How can I put this? ‘…where was his ‘I’, that barbell of a pronoun that he now carried as an athlete. How did one ‘snatch at that weight of an’ I ‘in that just so way that, this teenager, Bosco, could express his quintessence, his fundamental nature. 

But finding your essential ‘I’ Bosco, is a problem for us all. Maybe we should take heed of what they are theorising about over there in Paris.  And what they are saying? - that there should be a cordon sanitaire around such pursuits. Stop seeking this ‘I’ for it is ungraspable, a wave rather than a particle. 

So, Bosco, your introspections, similar to all that Romantic inwardness that beset Rousseau, Chateaubriand, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Goethe, however aesthetically pleasing to future generations is ultimately futile. Romantic individualism and its dancing partner unfettered subjectivity has exhausted itself.  Well, jaillissez est qui ce qu'ils disent à ces barricades theorethical, that is what they are saying at these theoretical barricades.  You on this train rattling into Stuttgart may have come to one of those existential, ‘to be or not to be’ impasses. And at these crossroads we hesitate in undecidability as we try to gauge the next move. But at such junctures we are compass less, all we have is a reaching out to some context that might guide us. 

Read Peter Cheevers fiction published by Ether Books

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