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What do Sociaiists now Believe

What do socialists now believe?

They used to comfort themselves with the thought that, however unfavourable the current drift of events, history remained on their side, oh really?

And with faith (magic)  that present adversities would give way to ultimate triumph (idealism)

 Such confidence has perished, together with faith in central planning of the Soviet kind, as well as in milder forms of state intervention to secure public welfare.

Social-democratic parties have spent much of the past decade abandoning commitments to goals like nationalization, full employment and universal welfare provision.

One consequence of the crisis of belief has been a willingness by socialists to re-examine and, in some cases, rethink the nature of their fundamental commitments and values.
ie they will keep moving the goalposts to accommodate socio/economic developments.

I suppose everybody does that, just other are honest about it (sometimes) and Socialists
are hypocritical.

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