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If you are coming to visit London

Preparedness is the key, don't let its reputation conscript your thoughts, don't reference London as
'hey perfection'. Of late London has caught little of the metaphorical sun, it is very overcrowded
due to the residue  of  the Labour Party's immigration policy, any of who, not all of course, we must be balanced look wretchedly at the lighted windows which promised so much form afar.

On a recent trip to Calais I saw these young men, black men,  wandering round the entrance to the
Channel Tunnel, poor things my companion said, believing that there is an Eden just across
the ocean.  That there is a state across there that will look after them, but this state, this welfare state
has run it  course.  Welfare was something that existed in a more benign economic climes, its parents were liberal idealism and inevitably it has been profoundly abused. It is astonishing the ruses people will get up to wangle money falsely from the Benefits system.

Take  France who babies its citizens more than any country and look how it stands today economically, but its citizens addicted to the soother of the state and benefits and protective Unions
find it almost impossible to change course.

Laurie Lee's thought on London are worth a reflection:
'London ...with its drum roll name, it is a walled fantasy, it is neither night or day but exists in a rouged perpetual twilight'

Read Peter Cheevers short story

'Not Even a Recall - Now Where is that  Revolver?'

published by Ether Books, download it on your Kindle 


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