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Labour party, Sleazy, Humiliated, Despised

Sleazy, Humiliated, Despised

Ross McKibbin on the government’s terminal decline

"There is general agreement that the government is in a mess: sleazy, corrupt, despised."

This was said in 2006 of Tony Blair's government, And we all know how Mr Blair, he of the half a dozen houses,  has
gone on to, in the view of many, to vindicate that opinion.

What of the other culpable lot,  Ed 'fratricide' Miliband and his merry men nodded through
  an open door policy on immigration the legacy of which will reverberate through future generations.
 And they did it for power, to keep their power base and increase and the electorate will pay for this in generations to come.

There has been a tepid mea culpa from the Milliband team, 'we got it wrong on Immigration" but  surely they should go to prison for their corruption of power.

Was Mass Immigration to the UK  a Conspiracy?

Official figures to be published on Thursday will confirm that foreign immigration under Labour added more than three million to our population.
At the same time nearly one million British citizens voted with their feet, some saying that they were leaving because England was no longer a country that they recognised.
How could all this have happened in the teeth of public opposition? Even the Labour government’s own survey last February showed that 77 per cent of the public wanted immigration reduced, including 54 per cent of the ethnic communities, while 50 per cent of the public wanted it reduced ‘by a lot’.
There are, of course, good arguments for controlled and limited immigration. Migration in both directions is a natural part of an open economy. And there are many immigrants who are valuable both to our economy and our society.
Mass immigration is an entirely different matter. The question now is how did it happen and what can be done about it. Was it all a Labour conspiracy? Was it sheer incompetence in government? Or was it wholesale retreat in front of the race relations lobby

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