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Labour's Uk immigration policy, the rewards to their politicians and what some argue they should receive,

It was New Labour who welcomed workers from the new, accession countries of the EU at a time when countries such as France and Germany wisely exercised their right to keep them out for another seven years. 

According to Jack Straw, this was a “spectacular” error. And Jack should know, because he was Home Secretary at the time. 

The plan of Tony Blair’s government, as laid bare by Andrew Neather, then a Blair speechwriter, was to banish that old, hideously white, retrograde England and usher in a new, vibrant, multicultural country which, rather conveniently, would vote Labour. 

Mr Blair now works in international conflict resolution, having stored up enough conflict in his homeland to keep future generations busy for centuries. 


Brown and Blair roam the world coining it, making £ millions, and the millionaire Ed Miliband might be rewarded by becoming the next UK Prime Minister.

But there are some people who hold the view and very strongly that the above trio of Labour politicians should be  arrainged and incarcerated ie go to prison.

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