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How long is the present?

Mindfulness is in vogue. You have lunch with somebody and it is not long they are off and running on the latest 'Oprahish' cult from the adolescent U S of A,  Then a Councellor, so called, who actually makes a very good living in London from regurgitating 'Oprah think' to lonely people who pay her to listen to them, starts proposing to us, that we keep in the 'now'.

I would ask her and the person I had lunch with the simple question how long is the present? That there is no 'now' that time is relative, your feet are infintisimally younger than your head and if your lived in a basement as opposed to the a high rise or skyscraper, over the course of your lifetime you would be younger, once again, infintiisimally. But give science a chance and see how they develop this.

If you want verification that your feet are younger than your head - read Einstein.

By the way I like Erhart Tolle, (is that how you spell it?) he is like a lovable Norwegian troll. Good luck to him riding on sales of 3 million for a book whose central tenet,the 'now' does not exist.

One wonders, what next from the land of Oprah, as they continue to infantalise a naive world.

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