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No need to link things - they were never separate

Social life is ‘a seamless web, a single inconceivable and trans-individual process, in which there is no need to invent ways of linking language events and social upheavals or economic contradictions because on that level they were never separate from one another.

The dialectic, Adorno said, would renounce itself if it renounced the ‘idea of potentiality’,

The most intelligible Marxist account of individual greatness in a writer or artist is that it belongs to the figure who opens himself unreservedly to the sociohistorical forces in play. ‘

The intervening individual subject,’ (so you, the writer, author, authority omnipotent narrator) Adorno wrote in Aesthetic Theory (1970), ‘is scarcely more than a limiting value, something minimal required by the artwork for its crystallisation.’

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