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Mrs Thatcher and the BBC

The notion that the BBC is independent of the government of the day is one of those quaint constitutional myths by which Britain is governed.

It is the government that chooses the Governors of the BBC and, through the licence fee, sets its income. There is also the clause in the BBC’s licence which gives the Home Secretary the power to march in and take possession of all or any of the BBC’s ‘stations, offices and works’ if he thinks an emergency has arisen. These things apart, the eh, yes... completely independent

That is not to say that there haven’t been tensions in the relationship between the BBC and its masters. Ever since Harold Wilson’s time the notion that the BBC was conspiring to undermine the government has been received wisdom in 10 Downing Street.

For instance,  Mrs Thatcher’s hostility to the Corporation was unremitting and one of her advisers recently revealed that she actively contemplated privatising it. During the Falklands War the BBC’s insistence on referring to ‘British troops’ rather than ‘our boys’ rendered the Prime Minister incandescent with rage

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