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The resentment and revenge after you double crossed your wife/partner

OK let's us suppose you have double-crossed your wife.  what you formerly conceived of  revenge as slow, artful and elegant, you now find that payback is suddenly bitter and terribly crude.  No more slumber parties, if you sleep over

watch out for the knives
You see you didn't realise that this woman/man has an explosive sense of injury, so great is this sense of injury when they feel betrayed that those Greek tragedians,  Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus,
would call for more papyrus to depict it.

There is a design fault in the modern male/female that allows their true character to make itself felt only after he/she has cheated, or betrayed the other. Before that, he/she was steadfast, loyal to familial causes, and a good father/mother

But what happens when you take a volatile situation, a failed relationship, and push a woman/man to the point where her/his sense of injustice makes them so incandescent with rage that they almost  levitate. And when people get into that state they cut up your suits, or dump your complete wardrobe of dresses in the recycle bin.

If you spend years with a woman/man who knows where the bodies are buried, be careful how you manage their  disgust.

Because as soon as you fuck her/him they will be powdering every room of your former life for fingerprints and then hand all  your associates a spade and point to the exact spot. like some priest/ess of payback.

A recent case in the British court pointed a defence for the woman being that of  ‘marital coercion’.

But marriage is coercive in its bones.  "Do you take this man/woman to be....etc

As the excellent Andrew O Hagan points out, 'Resentment and revenge can do odd things to intelligent people: it can make them want a victory much bigger than the occasion requires, they want a firestorm, and some part of them craves the whole family’s implosion so they can start again with people who smell refreshingly of other fires.'

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