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Low brows and high brows and little quizzes

Even been involved at social gatherings in those little quizzes devised by upwadly mobile
host/ hostesses.

There is is leaden repetiveness to thes little quizzes, they are the sort of games dreamed up by faux intelligentsia, they usually go something like this.

"Ok let's play, which fictional character do you most resemble?" (low brow host/ess)

"What, in literature  (high brow)
"No gotta be films, television.." (low brow)
"Ok then which character in a film most changed your life?" (low brow)
"Can I select from books...Dickens and people like that?" (high brow)
"No, it has to be film or television" (low brow)
"But...but I don't actually go to films...and I haven't had a television for...oh years now."
(high brow)
"Do you want sit this one out, then?" (low brow)

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