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Barack Obama - ingeniously delusional

Over here, in the UK one struggles to speak sense in a world drowning in European gibberish.

So you look across the pond and slack jawed see:

Barack Obama deliver a State of the Union address which made scarcely any mention of the national deficit and what measures might be required to reduce it – which is to say, the need to cut government expenditure.

Instead, he announced even larger and more ambitious federal spending programmes. He made it absolutely clear that the mission of his presidency was to redistribute wealth rather than to address the urgent question of why America is failing to create more of it.

The US does not have a spending problem at all – it simply has a “paying-for problem”. (Imagine your teenage child explaining that he needs an advance on his allowance, not because he has spent too much money but because, for some peculiar reason, he just can’t pay for everything he has bought.)

Source: Janet Daly

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