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Answering one of those 'wanted' ads'.

A woman I know,  answered an ad in Time Out along the lines of
"‘Ex-hippie, now half-ashamed bread head, offers accommodation in exchange for housekeeping duties to firebrand willing to remind him of his radical ideals’."

This woman, let us call her 'Alice',  thought, just the ticket and so did her would be  employer when he met her. He emplyed her on the spot and all was clean and above board - yes, there are decent people who keep their word

So time went on and her employer came to rely on her energy and initiative. One day he asked her to acquire a sports car. She, in her innovative way soon  found a smart yellow one at a reasonable price.
Her employer was suitably impressed.

A few month later, he  drew a circle on a map and asked her to find him a country cottage within that radius.

Alice in in her super efficient way, trawled the estate agents till she found the ideal cottage in Sussex.

Now her employer let her use both car and cottage when he didn’t need them himself. And its still all clean and above aboard.


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