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"I Fail therefore I Exist"

"I Fail therefore I Exist" claimed Samuel Beckett  in a typically Irish side swipe at Descartes.

For some Becketians the deepest form of inauthenticity is to be a worldly success. On the other hand there are many who evaluates their failure as a kind of death.

A relative of mine, and I have know others addicted to the adrenalin rush of  finance and living so  high on the hog that  ‘winning' became a kind of  Russian Roulette.

These people could be termed 'Russian Rouletters'.  Plead  with them, "...really, do you wan to take that kind of risk" and they would look pitying at you.  For not to take risk would be
take all the bullets out of the gun held to the head and you would be condemning such people to unbearable ennui.

These high achievers might be termed the
 'Supererogatory Class'  (ie the performance of more than is asked for, the action of doing more than duty requires).

Those of us who live more modest live do not play with guns, there are no bullets in the barrel,
so there!  For some this can engender a degree of intolerable self-loathing that drives one to stagey suicide simulations.  Till one is arrested by the thought that such an act would be a sin
And sin, too, is a kind of failurea kind of confirmation of man’s fallen state.

 For the Russain Rouletters I have known, sin is a welcome escape from the tedium of virtue


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