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How we got 'good vibrations'

Physiology, a branch of the natural sciences (and thus still under the scope of philosophy and do those philospphers have opinions), developed rapidly after the acceptance of  the theory of the circulation of the blood. Under the physiology/philosophy alliance what had been a steady humour became a circulating system. What has their model for a circulating system? money.

Dissatisfied with the ancient answers regarding mind-body connection, theorists refined the old system of animal spirits and humours; the new era found ‘nerves’, and observed the transmission of information to the mind by ‘vibration’.

The human being turns into a sensitive creature forever vibrating. The system’s sensitivity to influence, its quickness of response, the fine-tuning of the nerves and of the particles of the brain, then become responsible for quickness of thought, as well as emotion.

As to you 'soul', well it was decided by these 'learned' folk this it resided somewhere in the Brain, where all the Nerves, or instruments of sensation, terminate like a Musician in a finely fram’d and well tim’d, Organ-Case; these Nerves are like Keys which, being struck on or touch’d, convey the Sound and Harmony to this Sentient Principle, or Musician.’ Barker-Benfield suggests that this convenient image – the soul as musician, sensibility as the strings of a keyboard instrument – contributed to the high status of music in the era, and even to the astonishing musical output of the 18th century.

How we arrive at me  referring alll this to 'good vibrations; comes about after watching on the Internet a zimmer frame performance of the Beach Boys.  

Why aged men of 70 plus (McCartney, Stones et al)  can do this and women can't just tell us that Humanity's long night of Patrimony is not over, not by a long chalk.

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