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That deeply Provincial view from the Suburbs of London.

We are acquainted with  someone who frequently  pipes in a some what  airhead fashion, "Oh, when you are next in London, you must come and see us."

You are not sure, but you feel she patronises us as if we were straw chewing peasantry and all because we live one hour's ride from the 'smoke and grime' from that epicentre called London, whereas she lives 45 minutes away in the suburbs.

But if such an attitude does exist from where does that patronising  attitude feast? 

Where?  it feasts parasitically in the sprawling suburbs of London, that strange hybrid called suburbia, which is neither thither or dither, a nether world of not town and not county, of not mickle and not muckle.

And the point is: the view from the suburbs of that 'old whore', London, is deeply provincial.

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