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All Experience is Mediated by Imagination

We always approach the world with some well honed conceptual apparatus, don’t you think?

And we interpret the world broadly in those terms, well, I do.
You see I have never felt comfortable with the idea that there is experience, pure and simple. All my experience and I imagine yours is mediated by imagination.

I mean I speculate, don't you? And by speculation I mean interrogation of the conceptual apparatus by which experience is mediated. you know the adjustment of the conceptual filters, and the juggling of perspectives so as we can create fresh windows and dimensions to our interpretations of experience.

You see I think we reach out dialectically, rather then inwards deductively to probe uncharted seas from a few seemingly secure islands of concepts.

I was speculating on this,  in a round about way, as I sat on the top of the 22 Bus crawling its way through the Knightsbridge traffic. I had been flaneurng my way through the day, watching people interact, eavesdropping on conversations, as you do.

Yet there are moments, events, experiences that impinge upon imagination in unexpected ways, they jolt your received ways of thinking and they demand some imaginative leap to give them meaning.

And as the bus approached Hyde Park Corner, I could hear the shouts, the roars, which grew louder and louder in some rhythmic chant. There was anger here. You could hear the anger. And then i saw the crowd demonstrating opposite the Libyan Embassy. I stood up as others did in the bus to get a better view. And then as the bus was moving off, my imaginations began to work on the experience of watching these demonstrators

And I was down the stairs and off the boss as it was taking off. I would join these people; I too would have a little active engagement with the barricades.

That was a mistake.

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